Meet Cos I’m

In the words of the mighty Pet Shop Boys –

You! You’re my lover,
you’re my hope, my dreams, my life
my passion, my love, my sex, my money,
Violence, religion and justice and death

Well perhaps not the violence part and certainly not the money, but the ‘you’ I am referring to in my interpretation of this little ditty, is of course food glorious food.  I am obsessed with the stuff whether eating it, cooking it reading about it or just salivating over photography. I feel that it is time I had an outlet for this passion even if only to give the other love of my life, my poor fiancé (and main guinea pig for my sometimes genius sometimes vomit inducing cookery highs and lows)  a break from listening to my nonsense.

It is hard for me to understand how anyone could not wait at the letterbox for the latest issues of my favourite foodie mags (I get them all!) to drop onto the mat and then cancel all plans as I sit armed with post it notes and notepad wildly scribbling ideas and writing shopping lists, or think nothing of whiling away an entire afternoon in a cookery shop just staring and touching all the amazing implements or indulging in ‘recipe book porn’ or even better  3 hour sessions in supermarkets looking at every product on the shelves (i told you my fiancée has a hard time!)

An incredibly dear friend who is also a social media genius has challenged me to turn my passion into a blog to find like minded food freaks and compare notes and so I am giving it a go.  My aim is purely to interest, advise and amuse – (I don’t really expect anyone out there to listen) and see this as the most wonderful self indulgence.   So strap yourselves in, tuck your napkins into your collars and prepare to feast on the food related wit and wisdom of Cosilickmyplate– Enjoy!

To get in touch, please contact me on or on Twitter @cosilickmyplate

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